Tuesday, 19 March 2019

Memory treatments

There has been a lot said recently about how to improve your memory, and a  lot has also been said about natural treatments being sold which claim to cure memory problems, but this has been largely rubbished by the science researchers

I do feel that before you can say that you, or anyone else can help your memory problems, you should have a good idea as to what caused it in the first place,  medical condition or simply old age.

A few charities believe that "all" memory problems are all associated with Dementia or Alzheimer’s Disease, when in fact there are a number of illnesses which can have an effect in your memory.

As I understand it, things like Bronchiectasis,COPD and MS etc, can cause cognitive issues, but so can other illnesses, so its wise to check up on the true cause of your problems first, and never assume something else, which could be wrong.

When I was originally diagnosed with early onset Lewy Body Dementia, I was told to “use it or lose it”, in other words,  keep your brain active or you lose it. This consultant was trained in Lewy Body Dementia under Professor Ian McKieth at Newcastle University, and explained everything to us at the hospital

These words have always been with me since that time, and have kept me going, because it would be far too easy to sit back and let this illness take its toll. 

However I do feel that before we take notice of television programmes on memory etc, we should try to work out exactly why we have memory problems and not automatically assume that it’s all down to dementia.

After this,  find a routine to get you through the day, and include time for brain training.

In my case, my memory went haywire after I had been ill with viral pneumonia, then after 6 months everything seemed to get worse, at which point I lost my job as an engineer.

I also had a scan done which showed evidence of TIA's and cerebral atrophy, and my family doctor said it was certainly not age related shrinkage

Looking back, I had rewired the college chaple, but now I am unable to fit a plug onto an appliance without my son checking it, to see if it’s wired up correctly.  To me this is upsetting, knowing that I no longer remember how to do my job. 

After my diagnosis I was told to remain active, and not to sit back waiting for the worst to happen.

I started writing my life story as suggested by my consultant, and then started writing a blog which happened really by accident, and then found out,  that it was being read all over the world, before I knew what was happening

But I also do brain training games, jig saw puzzles, even though they are small. While these may be small, they are manageable,  if I work in short spurts, and gradually build them up.

I also have lots of games on my iPad which I try to do every day if I can. Although each day is different, I still try to do whatever I can, when ever I 
can , in the hope of keeping my brain going.

However I do feel that consultants working in the memory field, are the best at giving correct advice on treatments.

Having said that, I am not sure how good memory tests  are, because things tend to get repeated and that sometimes defeats the object when you have memory problems.

I say this because in real life, you don't get prompts when you want to remember of try to do something. You are on your own to work it  out without help or support. 

Having said that, i feel it would be far too easy to be conned by adverts into trying to use something which could have misleading results. 

Always ask the professionals in the medical field for advice first 

Thanks to Speech Notes for allowing me to carry on with this blog.

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I always say that we may have this illness, but we are all so different.

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