Monday, 16 October 2017

Graduate nurses and dementia

This week we have another three morning sessions talking to graduate nurses at Northumbria University, about coping with dementia.

I say " we", as my wife makes sure that everything I have written out, makes sense these days, and like it or not we work as a team, because we are both in this together.

I am not capable of noticing mistakes or repeats any more, so she is also my editor and advisor, as well as secretary, driver and arranger.

I am not sure how long this will last, as I have struggled a lot more this year, but I am prepared to give it a go, knowing that If I get stuck or tired, my wife can carry on reading

She did a few years ago at St James Park football ground in Newcastle,  when I was unable to attend a conference I was due to speak at, due to a chest infection. 

This also gives my the opportunity to talk about Lewy Body Dementia, something which many know very little about.

Many people have never heard of this form of Dementia, but knew about the  Robin Williams story, so it's easier to explain things around Robin and one or two other people who have lived with the illness.

However I do feel that these sessions are very important to all going into the NHS, as it prepares them for dealing with problems associated with dementia.

It also helps them to understand more about problems like the very  graphic nightmares,   associated with Lewy Body Dementia etc

We always get lots of questions afterwards, many of which my wife  answers,  as her memory is better than mine.

Along with this I usually get lots of emails from the students asking questions.

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I always say that we may have this illness, but we are all so different.

This is my own daily problems, but I would gladly share anyone elses, if they send them in,

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