Saturday, 27 May 2017


My thoughts and prayers  went out to all caught up in the Manchester bombing the other night.

This sort of thing makes me feel very sick, and it's worse when children were the target, by a set of cowards.

We were away at the time without internet, but I found that the media were acting like a lot of wolves, who had found something and would not let go because it was endless.

I do think the media made things much worse because they kept showing photographs of the dead people, with total disregard to the families and those left  badly injured

I hope that this sort of thing gets sorted out properly,  and we get away from this sort of terror for ever

God bless our NHS staff in all departments including the Ambulance services, because without them we would all be lost

There were many hero's here on the night,  who just got on with things, and never thought about the fact that there  could have been more bombs.

Having said that these people will let not regard themselves as hero's,  they just did what came naturally, and that includes the two homeless men who were sleeping on the streets that night.

I hope that they too get some recognition

Let us hope that this is a lesson to the Government, because its something they must accept and take on board.

They have to think carefully in the future and put more money into services,  rather than cutting them

I also hope that the the members of parliament stop fighting each other, and stop blaming the Muslims for these horrors, when it's totally  against their religious beliefs to kill others

Since the Brexit vote, this country has become very racist and it's very worrying for all, because most of this was started by Politicians who lied and are continuing to do so now. 

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