Tuesday, 19 April 2016

Further eye tests

I had to return to the eye hospital on Monday, and expected problems, when we explained that I was supposed to go to the spacial awareness clinic, rather than seeing an ophthalmologist

But I saw a different ophthalmologist who did the tests in a different way according to my wife and was more thorough this time.

I then saw a specialist, who said that he understood our concerns, but he was trying to work out in his own mind whether my problems were simply eye problems or linked back to the brain. 

He did a few more tests and then said that as my prisms had been changed again since my last visit, he was concerned, and wants to see me again within two months, to see if the prisms help. 

This will also allow him time to consult the spatial awareness clinic to see what they think. 

It seems that the muscles in one eye are weakened, and the eye is trying to turn outwards, and this is why I need to turn my head slightly to watch television and look straight ahead, etc. This also accounts for the headaches and pain in the right eye.

But at least I can still see, even if things are not totally clear. 

But he said that he could not see a spacial awareness clinic doing any more than he is trying to do. 

Most of this is down to the fact that I now have occasional double vision, blurred vision, slight cataract problem,  and occasionally see people in front of me without being able to see their faces clearly, something I find very frightening at times. 

This can be embarrassing especially when I pass neighbours in the street, and do not recognise them. 

Bright lights like those in shops are very hard to cope with, but I cannot get "react alight" lenses because of my brain problems, as the specialist thinks they could cause extra problems. 

However, I was told that if I cannot use the prism, I can use an eye patch over the right eye to cut out the double vision side of things. 

This lead to some light-hearted humour going home on the bus with my wife calling me patch.

Of course, as I child I used to have a book about a dog called patch, so I found it funny, even though it's slightly serious. I have a feeling that the book is still in our house and has been read by three of our grandchildren.

But if you cannot laugh at yourself and see the funny side of things like this, then you may as well give up completely.

But in all honesty, I guess that after two hours of eye tests in one go, I was extremely tired, so I needed to have something to laugh at.  

So now it's a case of doing things like writing on bigger screens while I can still do it, but I think that I will be doing less online stuff for the time being, until I find out what is happening. 

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