Monday, 2 May 2016

DK books and the memory

Over the years I have loved my photography as it s a relaxing hobby, but over the last few years my memory has destroyed most of my hobbies, because I forget how to do things.

Last week my wife bought me a new Dorling Kindersley book on photography in the hope that it will help me to keep going. 

I was amazed when I looked at it because it was written in such a way, that everything was explained in easy to understand terms, and it helped to trigger some of my memories. 

The book was called Digital photography the complete Course.

Over the years we have bought many of the DK books for our children and now grand children because they are well written, and they generate interest in young minds.

So to get this I have been kicked started back into photography all over again.

 I confess that I know that the bad days come along, nothing is going to help me because I just completely forget what I have just done, so if I have changed the camera settings I am stuffed. 

But it's a step in the right direction.

Since then my wife found another of these DK books called Digital Photography month by month, at a second hand bookshop, and I found this book to be a nice  idea because it shows what can be done each month of the year. This book looked brand new, so either someone bought it and did not like it, or they could have medical problems like me. 

This is a beautiful book and the photographs alone are very inspiring to look at. 

I confess that my COPD  has restricted me at times, but I love being outside and walking, and this hobby keeps me going 

As our static caravan is near to a woodland area I am looking forward to getting out and getting my head back into photography on my good days.

Even when I have to give up this hobby the books will help me with memories and that's a nice thought

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