Sunday, 10 August 2014

Health leader visits specialist dementia home

The Oxford Times: Vale House dementia care home 

                                       Vale House dementia care home 

What wonderful news to see something like this

A HEALTH leader visited residents at a care home that gives specialist dementia care during a trip to Oxford.

Lord Willis, the independent chairman of the Willis Commission on Nursing Education, met residents and relatives at Vale House Nursing Home in Sandford-on-Thames on Monday last week.

The former Liberal Democrat MP for Harrogate and Knareborough had earlier attended a Health Education England meeting at Oxford’s Kassam Stadium.

The commission has gathered evidence on the best way of providing pre-registration nursing education.
Christopher Lethbridge, whose 91-year-old wife Jill has been at the home for 10 years, said Lord Willis was impressed with the facility.

The Bampton resident said: “He asked me why I’d chosen Vale House and I said I’d seen a great number of care homes but the atmosphere here very much struck me as what I was looking for.

“He was very impressed at the work that Vale House was doing and thought it could be a model for other places.’’
The care home moved from Botley to its current £5m centre two years ago.

Mr Lethbridge, a former European Union and United Nations development aid worker, added: “It’s professional, calm and competent. My wife has been massively well looked after.”

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