Thursday, 3 October 2013

Good night

I had a good night at Northumbria University and my talk about living with Lewy Body Dementia went well, and we had lots of questions at the end.

These trainee Nurses had travelled in, to attend this event in their own free time which proved a lot to us, as they were truly dedicated to the job, and in this day and age spare time comes at a premium.

If I understood it rightly, I now have another three speaking events to plan for when I speak to the Nurses in the Lecture theatres as part of their training, but to be honest I cannot remember what I spoke to them about two years ago, so I may have to try to trace a copy or start all over again.

Last year I was out of this, as we were badly flooded at home, so I did not get involved in speaking events, but thats all over and I am back on track again, and feeling better for doing something positive, while helping others at the same time.

After this I have been invited to do another key note speech on Spirituality in Dementia, so that should be very interesting as the audience is open to anyone interested in this subject.

I may well have to rewrite the last talk, as that has been used in so many places since, the event so it will take a bit more time to change it a little where needed.

This is all to do with Northumbria University and Dementia awareness, as this University was one of if not the first University in the UK to become Dementia Friendly, and has been a real privilege to be involved in this process, as the work they are doing is really helping to inspire many other people.


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I always say that we may have this illness, but we are all so different.

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