Wednesday 2 October 2024

Time for survival for Carers etc

When many of us thought the last Government was bad enough, but its worrying me that many of the  Carers of people with Dementia and other disabilities may well struggle to survive, when we see all of the cuts which may be coming

Carers over a certain age do not receive any financial support from the Government at all,  which puts them in a stressful positition,  as they try to care for someone, while trying to feed those in their care, along with themselves and heat the property

Carers over retirement age,  do not get any form of Government allowance, and that us disgusting, because their role as a carer does not stop when they reach 65 years of age etc

I like many others thought that the last Government was trying to strangle everyone, but this so called  Labour Government seems as if it's going to be worse

Instead of hitting the wealthy in this Country who use this as a tax heaven, they are hitting normal  people, who at the end of the day have worked hard and have paid their taxes, yet we are being hit with more.

Looking back Members of Parliament get free Television licence, free heating allowance, their meals in Parliament are subsidised by us, along with alchohol in many cases,  travel is also paid for, yet we are taken to the cleaners by a bunch of idiots

While the country may be in a financial mess, it appears that the new Government is going to make vast cuts, which in turn is going to make things so much harder for those who are already struggling to cope, and many people are becoming terrified of what's to come. 

Is it time for all energy prices to be capped by the Government,  along with things like the BBC television licence being  scrapped, because the later is being abused to allow them to pay their biggest stars more money and what appears to be Gold Plated Pension schemes, something the BBC was never set up for.

So whether you watch the BBC or not you are having to subsidise them, and in this day and age it's a disgrace.

I always thought that those living with dementia or any other disability, should be exempted from paying for something we may not even want to watch 

 Thank you for the voice activated software, which allowed me to carry in writing this as and when I can


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