Wednesday, 29 September 2021

How things change in life

Over the years technology has changed how we live, and as someone who was late in joining this type of thing,  I struggle to cope in ways I would never have considered.

Being an engineer I got my first mobile phone and computer in the 1990s, and was forced into a life that, I found very hard to do without formal without training or support in computers.

The mobile was used as I was on call as an engineer 24 hours a day, and the MS-DOS computer 

was to help me do my reports and estimating, etc through the working day. 

This was a far cry from today’s computers, and a lot slower. 

However today we have moved on to things like online meetings, like zoom, something I now struggle 

to cope with it.

Seeing different faces in front of me these days fills me with terror, even though my wife says I used to speak to big audience in conferences etc. This is why I struggle to cope with things like zoom, as I see so many faces and cannot remember who is who, or who is talking. 

Coupled with hearing problems, I struggle to cope with different toned voices 

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I always say that we may have this illness, but we are all so different.

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