Thursday, 18 February 2021

Trying times

 As we are all aware, things are difficult at present with this corona virus going around, but we have to try to remain active, which can be difficult when you are told to stay at home and not go out.

I got to the stage where my legs were giving way, so my wife suggested that we went out early, so we could get round our local park which is 500 yards away.

But that is difficult at times because of runners and cyclists who will not keep their distance from everyone else.

These people are all young 20-30 year olds who don’t seem to care about anyone else. Many of these people spread out across the footpath, and will not move to allow you to pass.

I have a walking stick, for my balance, but they even ignore this, and barge through. In the first lockdown in March people seemed to have more respect, but that seems to have gone out of the window now, but I guess this is because we have a Prime Minister, who does not have a clue, and seems to be ignoring the scientists.

However we changed our routes and things went well until the snow and ice arrived, so we had to stay in.

I do have exercises which I got for my pulmonary rehabilitation, and these are still done at home, along with my exercise bike.

The bike may at times be slow work, but it all helps to keep my legs going, which has to be a good thing.

Trying to stay fit and active also helps keep my brain going, and although it’s difficult at times, it does help.

It would be so easy to sit down and give up, but I have a strong willed wife, and daughter who rings up and keeps me on my toes.

As a Biologist she understands the body etc and will not let me give up.

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I always say that we may have this illness, but we are all so different.

This is my own daily problems, but I would gladly share anyone elses, if they send them in,

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