Saturday, 13 February 2021

Are our carers looked after by this Government

Over the years carers of people with any illness, especially dementia, have had a raw deal from the British Government, and many people say that carers are being left to get on with their role, with out any support or care from social services or officials within the Government 

This is something that we all think is wrong because carers are doing an unpaid job which they did not sign up for, neither were they given any training. Caring does not stop when the carers allowance stops, it carry’s on until the person with the illness either goes into a care home or dies.

Having said that, once you reach the age of 65 the carers allowance stops, so what is wrong with this Government, or any other Government who stops supporting carers at this age, apart from the obvious fact that they simply don’t care about anyone but themselves.   

This also has a knock on effect with the Corona Virus vaccination where those who are not on allowances or benefits, do not get the vaccination until much later, yet we have to stay at home while they do the shopping. 

It appears that family doctors are ignoring the carers over 65, because here again they don’t care less. But these people support us 24 hours of the day, and have to do their own shopping. Because we simply cannot rely on supermarkets delivering food which is well inside its sell by date.

I say this because, these shops send out food which is out of date or lasts two days before it’s out of date. This proves that these company’s in the U.K. simply don’t care about those who need to stay at home, as long as they get the money.

It’s amazing to think that these carers save this Government millions of pounds a year, yet they treat them with utter contempt 

Carers are our rock, and without their constant support and care we would be in real trouble, and that would have extra costs all round. 

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I always say that we may have this illness, but we are all so different.

This is my own daily problems, but I would gladly share anyone elses, if they send them in,

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