Sunday, 25 March 2018

Medical problems

I have struggled to write anything on the blog since Christmas, but this is because I cannot get my mind set on writing anything of any sense.

I was close to deleting the blog, but followed my wife's advice, and left it running, in the hope that I can start it off again

Simple tasks around the house have been left, because I had problems deciding how to do them. 

This has been caused by thinking and planning problems, something which has got a lot worse recently, along with the fact that, I have also been struggling with constant back pain, balance and walking problems.

All of this started back in September and got worse, leaving me feeling very frustrated and annoyed at times.

I have always had back problems, but lver this time things got much worse.

I used to be able to walk 5 miles a day at a push, but now I struggle to do 2 miles without constant breaks for a rest, and I have to admit that it's becoming frightening at times 

This is because my legs feel strangely weak and heavy,  and I am unable to pick my feet up off the ground. 

Recently my wife commented that I have a stoop which is getting worse, and instead of being taller than my wife,  I am now looking up at her at times, which seems very odd

I also have a problem with drop foot, but I am unsure whether it's all connected, but I gather some of this could be linked to Parkinson's, and could also be linked into the cervical spondylitus, something I have had off and on for around 30 years

This was corrected to a certain degree, by wearing a support on my ankle and foot, to stop it dragging, but it's been obvious tgat over the last month or so tgat both feet and now dragging at times

Needless to say, I am not a good patient and never have been, because I can't sit still for long before I am bored, annoyed and frustrated 

Whether some of this is all connected to my hip problems or Parkinson's,  I am unsure.

We asked to be reffered back to see the hip consultant around a month ago, but we were told that I could not be referred again, because the NHS system had changed, so I have to take a longer route through the system

I was then reffered for an assesstment  with a physiotherapist, who then told us that someone had got this totally  wrong, and I should have been sent directly back to see the consultant.

So I guess it's going to be another 6 weeks before I hear anything further after today.

Through this I have started to read books again.  I always loved to read, but sadly never remember which books I have read in the past as I will explain next

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I always say that we may have this illness, but we are all so different.

This is my own daily problems, but I would gladly share anyone elses, if they send them in,

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