Tuesday, 21 February 2017

Smoking and health

We hear so much these days about smoking being bad for your health, yet I do wonder if people take any notice of these warnings

I find it very hard going to our local hospitals, because you end up having to walk through a wall of smoke, from people who simply ignore the No Smoking Signs.

To my it's wrong when this happens, but  I dont think that I am alone

Even outside the main door to the Accident and Emergency Department, these people can bee seen, puffing away.

However these are not all visitors, some are patients in their pyjamas and dressing gowns.

Years ago I remember a consultant telling patients to stop smoking before they were admitted into hospital for an operation. But I suppose these days, it's against people's civil liberties telling them to stop smoking

I understand that some hospitals work  with patients, so they can give up smoking before they go into hospital, but not everyone wants to give it up

However it's not just cigarettes which can be hazardous these days. I do wonder about these people with the vapour E cigs.

It took a long time for the government to admit that cigarette smoking was bad for the health, but they seem to have ignored the fact that even cigs are fairly new, and as such there is very little safety information on hand about them.

Having read some of the information I do wonder if they are more deadly than cigarettes.

But NHS England seems to want people to smoke them, and this seems to be going against the grain to me.

I would have thought it better all round for the NHS to say that all smoking is bad for you, because no one knows exactly what health problems e cigs  are going to cause in the future.

Is that going to leave the door open for people to sue the NHS in the future.

I tend to steer clear of anyone smoking these electronic cigarettes, because the vapour has an effect on my chest, and other people have said the same.

I simply do not understand people who have serious chest problems, but still carry on smoking.

No matter what happens,  your treatment cannot work properly if you carry on smoking, so to me it's common sense to give it up all together.

I think it's time that everyone was educated about the hazards of smoking, and then we may get somewhere.

But I do feel that we must start with school children

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