Friday, 24 February 2017

Children and dementia

There is a lot of stigma around around dementia these days, but it's amazing how children react to those with the illness

There have been a few stories in the media about children going into care homes and helping those with the illness to learn art etc.

I have noticed on  my travels with dementia friends training,  that children are far more forth coming and engaging that  many adults, and what is more they don't seem to hold back, if they have questions or something to ask.

We did a few sessions with some girl guides and they were absolutely amazing to work with.

I do feel that adults are more reserved,  perhaps frightened of the name, as well as the illness

In some cases this is expected if they have someone in the family who has dementia, but it seems that children are becoming more active in supporting people with the illness.

Years ago they would have been kept well away, but these days, they are leading the fight and are very supportive

It could well be that adults from a certain age remember the days, when people with this illness were locked away in hospitals etc

In my case our grandchildren have been marvelous with me, although at times it can be a little over powering,

My eldest granddaughter who is 13, has Asbergers is truly amazing to be with.
She is very protective of me, and always seems concerned that I am alright. 

She has a mobile phone now, for her own security when she is at school or out with friends, and has taken to sending me texts, or phones up to see if I am alright.

The other day we went to London because I had to go to a reception at the House of Commons with the Lewy  Body Society. So she sent a text at night to see if I was alright.

The following morning she sent a text to see I had got home alright,  even though my wife had been with me all day

At first she wanted to speak to me over Skype,  but this is something that I struggle to cope with, even though she set it up on my tablet computer, but as we were out shopping I had a good excuse

However when I did not answer because we were crossing the road, she then rang up for a chat.

Although she has her own problems, people are are amazed how she looks after me.

It seems that when she is about to have a melt down, she disappears to her own room, or somewhere else well away from me.

Her sister who is younger is very similar, and if I make a mistake, she always says, don't worry grampy,  you are allowed to make mistakes because you have "OLD TIMERS."

Both of these girls have phones, but as I have their photographs on my phone I know who is trying to text or phone me.

This service is good because I don't always recognise voices these days, so having a photograph with the number is very helpful.

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I always say that we may have this illness, but we are all so different.

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