Saturday, 2 April 2016

Mobile Phone technology

When I was an engineer there was technology at every point, and I enjoyed it even though I was a late starter, where most of this was concerned

Then my memory started to play up, and I had problems hanging on to using the computer at home.

These days we take technology for granted, and everywhere you look people are using mobile phones, or tablet computers, which in some ways is amazing, considering that it's not so long ago that computers and the Internet started. 

These days I carry a mobile phone for security, and it's very helpful for my wife to keep in touch with me if I am out for a walk.

However over the last few weeks, my wife's phone has been back to the workshops twice because of signal problems, so I am restricted in what I do until it comes back. 

For some reason the phone signal just dropped out, and if I was talking to anyone at the time, the call was cut off.
It also meant that the phone went into emergency mode on more than one occasion, so I could not make any calls

We were told by the shop where we bought it, that it was the phone signal, but after it stopped working again we went into a Samsung shop, where an engineer told us that the handset was faulty and was not picking up the signal correctly. 

So it had to be sent back to the shop where we bought it, for further repairs in the hope that it can be sorted out properly this time 

Mobile phones are a big part of our lives these days, but they are also play a big part in our independence when your brain plays up, as they allow us to carry on doing what we want without needing a full time carer with us all of the time. 

I enjoy going for walks, but my wife has problems with her ankle at times, so it restricts her walking some days.

But through the mobile phone I know that if needed I can be tracked, so it gives me that bit of freedom and security.

I confess that I cannot wait for this phone to be returned, so that I can get my freedom back again

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