Saturday, 11 October 2014

Humour in Dementia

Many people think that when we are diagnosed as having dementia, we lose our sense of humour.

Perhaps some people do, but on the whole many of use retain our sense of humour, as a way of fighting this illness.

I still like reading jokes, and enjoy a good laugh, although I have been told off by carers at times, simply because they thought that we should be deadly serious all of the time

To me laughter is one of if not the best medicine anyone can get, so why not enjoy what's let of your life and enjoy it.

I confess that there are days when I am feeling low, and simply cannot be bothered, but that's the nature of this illness.

The Scottish Dementia Working Group wrote a Joke book a few years ago, and the jokes were provided by the members of the group. I bought a copy of this which was signed by some of my friends in the Working Group

A few months later we were flooded at home and had to move out into a flat for about six months, something I really did not enjoy at all, as we had lost so many of or personal possessions

But this book was my life line at the time.

Why am I laughing , a classic collection of short jokes for all of the family

Sadly I lost it when we returned home, so I bought a new copy. Its not the same as the original was signed and meant so much to me, but I still enjoy reading it.

I often read this book just to have a good laugh because life can be so very serious, and this can get you depressed if you are not careful

After a while you can tell exactly which person was telling the jokes without looking at the book.

But I guess that is because I knew all of those people.

I remember one member of the Alzheimer's Society's Living with Dementia  Working Group, when it was still going a few years ago, and he could sit and tell jokes all night.

My problem was and still is that I could not remember the punch lines, or the jokes would return in the middle of the night, so I would start laughing and then wake my wife up

I always loved telling funny stories, but my wife got to the stage when she could not tell when I was being serious

A few years ago we were on a long train journey, and for some reason the train stopped in the middle of nowhere. When it started running again it was very wobbly and bouncing along the track. My wife looked at me, and for some reason I just said. I think the trains got a flat tyre?

After a few moments of quiet she looked at me, and told me off.

I did tell her a few months ago that trains do indeed have a tyre fitted over their wheels, and she would not believe me, until our Son in Law explained it to her, and even then I think she was convinced that he was pulling her leg

So now I have to be careful what I say

At one stage in life I could see the funny side of anything, and this got me into trouble on a few occasions, but I am not sure whether that was the start of this illness.

Life is too serious these days so we must enjoy ourselves, and where possible have a good laugh as it does help us feel much better

But my moto is enjoy life as it comes

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