Monday, 28 October 2013

Clinical psychologists and dementia

I often wonder how clinical psychologists can look at someone with dementia, and come out with the correct results; perhaps I am missing something here,

As I have Lewy Body dementia, I don't use the mini mental tests as they are no good on people with Lewy Body Dementia, or so I am told by the consultants, because they say the results are misleading.
So why is it when I go to see a Clinical psychologist, I don't feel 100% happy

I do longer tests where they always ask lots of questions and go over, lots of paragraphs and stories, with names and addresses, and then ask you questions.
Then when you cannot remember, they go back over the questions with prompts, with a series of answers in which you have to pick the correct one out, and can only answer yes or no, to each, but at best this is guess work or just pure luck if you manage to get it right.

I end up with so many bits and pieces flying around in my head that I have to just try, even though it could well be the wrong answer, and this adds extra stress at a time when we don't need it.

But how can this be right if we simply don't know the answer in the first place, and take a guess at the answer.
In this life, whether at work or anywhere else, we don't get prompts when we get things wrong, so just how does this work and how do they get the results right.

I do not understand these people, but perhaps they know what they are doing, I simply don't understand it.
To me if I don't know the answer, then it’s simply gone, because trying to force myself the think of an answer just causes unnecessary stress.


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I always say that we may have this illness, but we are all so different.

This is my own daily problems, but I would gladly share anyone elses, if they send them in,

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