Saturday, 31 August 2013

Comments about the blog

Since setting up this blog I have found many hundreds of comments about it, many of which are very interesting.

I confess that I started this as a way of having an on line diary not expecting anyone else to read it let alone comment on it.

But its now read in 101 countries by over 14.050 readers, something I find truly amazing, and its used in Universities for teaching students about Lewy Body Dementia.

I had no help with setting this up, but just got on with it not expecting these results.

It is not easy to set up the blog as I had no experience, and to be totally honest I don't think I could do it again now without support, but I think it was well worth doing in the end

Its totally free to use, which is a bonus to me, and I don't use advertising, although I talk about charities etc at times.

I sometimes use news stories which seem interesting to me, as I am sure that others around the world would find them helpful too, as we never learn enough about this illness, or how we can inspire others to help us.

This has lead to me being accused of using the news press to further my blog, but in truth, if I see  a good story in the press, then why not let others read it as it may help them.

I get quite a few e-mails which I try to answer on the good days, but many comments come without and e-mail address so I don't get involved.

I hope this answers any questions sent in over the last few months, if not I will extend this with more answers in the future.


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I always say that we may have this illness, but we are all so different.

This is my own daily problems, but I would gladly share anyone elses, if they send them in,

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