Wednesday, 22 May 2013

Dementia Friendly University

As a person with early onset Lewy Body Dementia I have been very proud and privileged, to have worked with the Staff at Northumbria University, where over the last two years I have occasionally given talks to students who are taking a degree in Nursing.

During this time they have been learning about my life with dementia, its ups and downs.

It has been a privilege to explain the problems I struggle with on a daily basis, in the hope that the Nursing staff of the future are better equipped to help and support others who have dementia, when they need to go into hospital for treatment.  

The students have always been good enough to send us personal remarks, after each talk and that does make it feel as if it has all been that bit more worthwhile because, it also proves that they too get something out of the talks.

I can honestly say that the lecturers have been so supportive and kind, especially by giving me enough time to consider the subject for my talks well in advance, so that I can spend time writing it all out before the event.

This must be one of the first dementia friendly Universities in the country, and they should be very proud of themselves for what they achieved in the period.

This week is dementia awareness week and the university have events on every day, to help everyone who works with people who have dementia, so to me they really are dementia friendly and deserve to be recognised for this.

Well done to all of the staff who do, so much to help train high quality nursing staff for the future

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I always say that we may have this illness, but we are all so different.

This is my own daily problems, but I would gladly share anyone elses, if they send them in,

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