Tuesday, 20 November 2012

New Blog seems to be working at last

After two hard weeks the new blog seems to be taking off, and doing well.

I was distraught when the old blog died, as it was doing so well, but like everyone else who has this illness, I have learnt the hard way, as I should have kept well clear of the Internet that day as it was not a good day to do anything which involved thinking.

I had tried to get Google to help but nothing happened, so it was a case of setting up a new blog, in the hope that it worked.

However by this morning the number of readers had risen to nearly 500 in 10 counties, so I can not complain.

I still have a few old blog pages to upload, and then I can see what happens

I would love people to join me and send comments in especially from other countries, as I am always interested to hear about dementia in far off countries.

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I always say that we may have this illness, but we are all so different.

This is my own daily problems, but I would gladly share anyone elses, if they send them in,

interesting post about music and dementia

  Classical music can help slow down the onset of dementia say researchers after discovering Mozart excerpts enhanced gene activity in patie...