Friday, 25 October 2024

interesting post about music and dementia


Classical music can help slow down the onset of dementia say researchers after discovering Mozart excerpts enhanced gene activity in patients

  • Research saw patients listen to Mozart's violin concert No 3 for 20 minutes
  • The 'musically-experienced' people had enhanced gene activity, it found 
  • Music also affected risk gene synuclein-alpha, connected to Parkinson's
Classical music can help slow down the onset of dementia, new research has found.

Scientists discovered that patients who listened to experts of Mozart had enhanced gene activity in the 
brain in areas including memory and learning.
Meanwhile, the music also affected the activity of a risk gene connected to Parkinson's disease.

The Finnish researchers found the changed activity was only present in 'musically-experienced' patients, who listened to music regularly, suggesting the importance of familiarity with music.
For the study, participants were asked to listen to Mozart's violin concert No 3, G-major, K.216, a piece that lasts 20 minutes. The experiment was carried out on both musically experienced and inexperienced participants.
The research involved participants listening to Mozart (pictured) for 20 minutes
The research involved participants listening to Mozart (pictured) for 20 minutes
The study showed that genes were enhanced in those deemed 'musically experienced' in areas such as dopamine secretion, which is when a neurohormone is released in the brain, synaptic neurotransmission, which is how neurons receive information, and learning and memory.
Meanwhile, the music appeared to down-regulate genes associated with neuro-degeneration, which is the progressive loss of the structure or function of neurons.
The researchers said several of the up-regulated genes were ones which are responsible for song learning and singing in songbirds.
This suggests a common evolutionary background of sound perception across different species, they said.
One of the most affected genes in this area was synuclein-alpha (SNCA), which is also a known risk gene for Parkinson's disease. 
Study leader Doctor Irma Jarvela, of Helsinki University, said: 'The up-regulation of several genes that are known to be responsible for song learning and singing in songbirds suggest a shared evolutionary background of sound perception between vocalizing birds and humans.'
He added: 'The effect was only detectable in musically experienced participants, suggesting the importance of familiarity and experience in mediating music-induced effects.'
Dr Jarvela added that the findingscould give give further insight into the molecular mechanisms underlying music therapy.
The effects of this are still largely unknown.

Wednesday, 23 October 2024

Music and Dementia

Music has always been used as a way of relaxing or enjoying ourselves, as it can have an active effect on our brains.

When I was studying at college our lecturer always said try listening to music in the background, as it helps us relax and also allows us to to in more information.

I confess that in my teenage years, I was getting into classical music, and thought Mozart was very relaxing, but my father who was a Church Warden as well as being a miner thought I was a little odd, listening to this sort of music. However, after a few years, it grew in him and he too found classical music relaxing.

Since my brain went haywire with Dementia I have found certain types of music can have the wrong effect, especially if it is going fast, I think it is called fast tempo, or something like that.

This is because fast music does things to my brain, especially if I cannot sleep and then I listen to my IPod touch, which is loaded with all types of music, some relaxing and some lively.

I found that some music that I enjoy during the day has the wrong effect during the night, and can make the brain overactive and cause nightmares etc.

However, I do feel that music can have a very relaxing impact on those with any firm of Neurological illness as it's quite calming and lets you relax providing it's the right sort of music

Many years ago I was in Church Choir for a few years, but now I can't sing at all although I enjoy listening to choirs singing

Sunday, 6 October 2024

Lack of Services for those living with dementia

Many people in County Durham are saying that their are a total lack of services for those living with Dementia and their carers, where years ago there were lots of things going on under the Alzheimer's Society.

It seems that a lot of these local services have disappeared now, and as someone said the other day all local calls seem to be diverted to London, rather than being dealt with locally, even the old Society Office is boarded up

In years gone by the local office had ran lots of services for those living with the illness, and their carers but now they are left to find a smaller locally based charity for support and help, otherwise they are left in their own without support

This is so sad as the Alzhimers Society claims to be their to help and support all going through this journey lining with dementia in the UK, or caring for those living with the illness.

There are not many charities in this area supporting thise with the illness, something which is a vital service, one which could help people to live a more active and better life while going through this journey

 Thank you for the voice activated software, which allowed me to carry in writing this as and when I can

Wednesday, 2 October 2024

Time for survival for Carers etc

When many of us thought the last Government was bad enough, but its worrying me that many of the  Carers of people with Dementia and other disabilities may well struggle to survive, when we see all of the cuts which may be coming

Carers over a certain age do not receive any financial support from the Government at all,  which puts them in a stressful positition,  as they try to care for someone, while trying to feed those in their care, along with themselves and heat the property

Carers over retirement age,  do not get any form of Government allowance, and that us disgusting, because their role as a carer does not stop when they reach 65 years of age etc

I like many others thought that the last Government was trying to strangle everyone, but this so called  Labour Government seems as if it's going to be worse

Instead of hitting the wealthy in this Country who use this as a tax heaven, they are hitting normal  people, who at the end of the day have worked hard and have paid their taxes, yet we are being hit with more.

Looking back Members of Parliament get free Television licence, free heating allowance, their meals in Parliament are subsidised by us, along with alchohol in many cases,  travel is also paid for, yet we are taken to the cleaners by a bunch of idiots

While the country may be in a financial mess, it appears that the new Government is going to make vast cuts, which in turn is going to make things so much harder for those who are already struggling to cope, and many people are becoming terrified of what's to come. 

Is it time for all energy prices to be capped by the Government,  along with things like the BBC television licence being  scrapped, because the later is being abused to allow them to pay their biggest stars more money and what appears to be Gold Plated Pension schemes, something the BBC was never set up for.

So whether you watch the BBC or not you are having to subsidise them, and in this day and age it's a disgrace.

I always thought that those living with dementia or any other disability, should be exempted from paying for something we may not even want to watch 

 Thank you for the voice activated software, which allowed me to carry in writing this as and when I can


Technology and Modern day life

When I left school there was very little known about modern technology as we know it today, even the telephone that we have taken for grante...