Tuesday, 11 August 2020

its it's been a long few weeks

It's been a long few weeks, although I was l pleased that I did not have covid, just a bog standard chest infection, if that can be called bog standard 

My memory  and thoughts have been hammered through all of this, and I confess that it's been quite  worrying, not fully understanding what is going on.
I think I have been sleeping like the dead too which is frustrating as I am dropping off very easily, and can be out for an hour or more.

I have a reclining chair, but these days it's not easy to breathe when I am reclining, so it's a case of learning to adjust the chair to a better angle, and sometimes have a pillow behind my back. 

Coping with normal life during this Covid virus has been difficult to say the least, but the hardest part has  been getting used to wearing a face mask. Both my GP and Respiratory nurse said that i had to wear one, and its been very hard, but I need to be active so its got to be done if I want to go into a shop. 

As well as this, I found that even though I have breathing problems, and struggle to wear a mask, I was getting too much abuse when I went out shopping without a face  mask. So after talking to someone in Boots pharmacy, I found a mask that was bearable and easier to cope with. 

Life goes on and I can only hope that this virus moves on before it gets well out of hand 

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I always say that we may have this illness, but we are all so different.

This is my own daily problems, but I would gladly share anyone elses, if they send them in,

interesting post about music and dementia

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