Sunday, 7 June 2020


Caring for someone  is a role which is totally ignored by Governments, because they simply don't care enough to support them.

A carers role is 24 hours a day,  7days a week, and they are saving the British Government millions of pounds each year, without any support from social services etc. 

Our carers get us through a lot during the day, from sorting out medication, arranging  medical appointments, cooking our meals, washing especially as many washing machines are too technical to understand these days, looking after us, taking us to places in the car etc, as well as dealing with documents which no longer make sense, or are difficult to understand. This list is too long to write and think about. 

In my case, as well as Lewy Body Dementia, I have lung problems to put up with, like Bronchiectasis, something i have had since i was a child, along with emphysema from years to working in industry, as this all makes life difficult.

This in turn means I am prone to recurring chest infections, with is stressful at times. Through this my wife has to sort out antibiotics etc, a d to be honest I have no idea what medication I am on,  I just take what is in the box. Although I occasionally forget to take my medication if my wife is out. 

However both my wife and daughter can tell if I am going down with a chest infection by my reactions and agitation levels. 
But where would we be without our carers  because we rely on them for so much  and they in turn have a lot to put up with  in a job they never considered when we got married,  and they are not trained to do, or supported.
God bless all carers around the world, they really are Angel's 

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