Friday, 12 June 2020

Recovering from yet another chest infection

Two weeks ago, I felt drained and chest, and then my wife realised last week that I had another chest infection, I confess that it did not feel too bad, but I have been caught out by this before, and there is no way I will go into hospital during this crisis. 

I should have gone in at Christmas due to an infection, but I told the doctor that i as not going, however she did agree that I would get better faster at home in my own environment.

I understand the antibiotics by a drip, can be faster, but as I tend to act out my dreams and nightmares while sleeping, I would simply pull the thing out of my arm,  so it's something, to consider.  

I am prone to repeated chest infections, due to the fact that I have Bronchiectasis and Emphysema. The Bronchiectatsis  was something that developed when I was a child, after a bout of whooping cough, measles  and mumps. That I guess wrecked my lungs without anyone knowing, and that was made worse by a life working in industry.

Life is interesting and certainly not boring, but  I guess the one thing that upsets me is when doctors etc, ask if I am stressed or depressed, yes I get stressed,  when I don't remember how to do things, or I feel rough and can't get out for a walk etc, but that's not depression and these people cannot accept this

However these chest infections cause many other problems, which have an effect on my memory etc. Like the pneumonia I had around 1990 this one has had an effect on my emotions,  thoughts and memory  etc, and it's been an uphill struggle to keep going. I guess it's because I feel so shattered, dropping off to sleep quite a lot, and unable to think clearly. 

This was highlighted last week when I saw a money raising idea for charity, on facebook, and  after looking for my favourite charity, the Lewy Body Society,  I found that I had started  the thing going without realising what I had done. 

In some ways I am pleased to help raise money, but this gave me a big shock, however it seems to be doing alright. 

Both my wife and daughter, say they know when things are building up like infections, by the change in me. I understand that I get very tired and sleep a lot, but also irritable, because I dont see or understand fully what is happening at times.

It's cut my activities down and I have to take it easy for another week at least. But I am back on gentle exercise again so that will help to get me going again. 

I am a terrible patient at the best of times, and struggled the last time I was ill in hospital but at home I can at least do odd things without getting into trouble. 

I am hoping that my spelling is alright, as it's taken my three days to work this out. 

Sunday, 7 June 2020


Caring for someone  is a role which is totally ignored by Governments, because they simply don't care enough to support them.

A carers role is 24 hours a day,  7days a week, and they are saving the British Government millions of pounds each year, without any support from social services etc. 

Our carers get us through a lot during the day, from sorting out medication, arranging  medical appointments, cooking our meals, washing especially as many washing machines are too technical to understand these days, looking after us, taking us to places in the car etc, as well as dealing with documents which no longer make sense, or are difficult to understand. This list is too long to write and think about. 

In my case, as well as Lewy Body Dementia, I have lung problems to put up with, like Bronchiectasis, something i have had since i was a child, along with emphysema from years to working in industry, as this all makes life difficult.

This in turn means I am prone to recurring chest infections, with is stressful at times. Through this my wife has to sort out antibiotics etc, a d to be honest I have no idea what medication I am on,  I just take what is in the box. Although I occasionally forget to take my medication if my wife is out. 

However both my wife and daughter can tell if I am going down with a chest infection by my reactions and agitation levels. 
But where would we be without our carers  because we rely on them for so much  and they in turn have a lot to put up with  in a job they never considered when we got married,  and they are not trained to do, or supported.
God bless all carers around the world, they really are Angel's 

Saturday, 6 June 2020

Something to make us laugh

I read this article when I was at the last Balance clinic in Chester le Streeet General Hospital Durham. It was in a newsletter written by the North Durham Parkinson's Society.

Yes I know that this is a serious topic  but, I keep looking at this and it keeps me laughing,

Tuesday, 2 June 2020

Supporting the Lewy Body Society.UK

Are you considering a charity fundraising event in the future, or considering doing something positive as a New Years Resolution, if so why not consider supporting the Lewy Body Society.

Charity events run throughout the year, and range from small family events to large local or national events, so please think of this wonderful charity if you want to do a charity run etc.

As an Ambassador with the Lewy Body Society, I would like to encourage people to support us in any way they can

This is a small charity which is totally dedicated to those living with or  caring for someone with  Lewy Body Dementia in the United Kingdom 

We need all of the support we can get, so we can promote the charity, in the hope that we can get a higher profile for Lewy Body Dementia, and also for those living with this form of Dementia and their carers,  within the UK. 

So if you are considering doing a sponsored event for a wonderful caring charity, please come and support this wonderful charity, which does so much to help those with this form of Dementia, within the UK

If you are unsure what the illness is, or need to know more about it, why not look at our new video about Lewy Body Dementia, which is on our website. This was filmed this year and it's now doing it's rounds on Social Media under Lewy Body Society. Org. UK 

    The more people Who Know, The Fewer People Who  Suffer

The Lewy Body Society
Hudson House
8 Albany Street
Telephone 0131 473 2385
Email :
Press enquiries

Music and dementia

Although music can be calming for those living with Dementia, over the last few weeks, i have struggled to cope with some of the music i lo...