Tuesday, 29 August 2017

Problems with antibiotics

Many of us have conditions where we need antibiotics, and some need more than others due to recurring chest  infections

I confess that I hate these things, but due to recurring chest infections I end up with more than a lot of other people

As well as having Lewy Body Dementia, I have Bilateral Bronchiectasis and Emphysema along with a life long bug in my lungs "Heamophilis Influenza "which does not seem to go away, meaning I am prone to chest infections.

(All of this is a mouthful to remember, but it's all added to a phone app for called,   "ICE" In case of emergencies" which has my medical condition written down including medication.

However many Doctors don't tell you the problems you could face,  if you are in a similar position, and need to take these drugs in a regular basis.

It took a new  part time family doctor who also worked in s hospital,  to explain, that when you are taking these antibiotics for the likes of chest infections, you  need to take extra precautions, because some of these can have an effect on your skin etc

This doctor wondered why I was having so many chest infections, and spent his own time going through my notes, and found that all if my chest infections were linked directly to one deeply rooted bug in my lungs.

I was told to keep my head covered, and to try to keep the sun off my face as much as possible, because I will burn much  faster than I would without taking antibiotics

Wear sun glasses to protect my eyes

Keep my arms covered as much as possible

Most of this causes total havoc at present with the weather in the UK, because you never know what the weather is going to be like. With this in mind you may end up carrying a lot of extra things around with you, and you have to consider what may happen

The other day we went out on a dark cloudy day expecting rain most  of the day, so I did not take my sun cap is sun glasses, and guess what, the weather changed the sun came out and it got hot.

All of which proves that in this country you simply cannot believe the weather forecasters

I hope I get this next piece right

Take Bio live yoghurt everyday, when you take antibiotics, because antibiotics kill off natural bacteria living within your stomach. The live Bio Youghurt contains live bacteria which allow your stomach to work normally.

Although many of us use sun creams, which to me are all the same, we need to be using strong sun creams which may cost more money, but it's certainly well worth it for you own protection.

The problem with all of this is, that when you have memory problems, it's difficult to take all of this on board, while also remembering what to take and when.

I am always forgetting to take Bio Youghurt, or totally forget to put the sun cream on before I go out.

Not every doctor tells people to protect themselves from  Antibiotics, because many don't understand the problems caused.

Quite a lot of doctors don't understand chest infections, as I found to my horror over the years.

Especially one who said that I just had a common cold, but told me to send a sputum test straight in for tests. Three days later I was told that there was an urgent  prescription waiting for me, with antibiotics for two weeks?

My wife and daughter have said that they know when an infection is brewing because my attitude torally changes, and I become aggressive.

So the next time you are given antibiotics ask your doctor about the precautions you need to take.

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