Sunday, 30 October 2016

Long month

It's been a very long month, in fact it's been a very long year and things  have got much  worse rather than better
I had a chest infection at the end of August and then got a cold. After this I got a yearly flu vaccination and then one week later I got another infection which has hit me hard.
We saw a doctor just in case it was a reaction to the flu vaccination,  but I was put straight into antibiotics again
I feels as if I am living on these at present , which is not good,  but I guess it's the haemophilus influenza bug which is rooted in my lungs, and has been there at least 8 years, and could have been there since I had pnumonia in 2001
Our doctor said it was pointless doing any more sputum tests because they were all coming back with the same results
Colds have never bothered me, but the last two common colds have hit me hard, and I don't undersrand  this.
Whether it's to do with the bronchiectasis or the COPD, I don't know
But I coughed so much last week that I was bringing up blood which was a shock to the system, yes I understand it happens with bronchiectasis but I don't think I have noticed it before.
These days I seem to spend more time sleeping than ever before, and I don't understand these changes.
I have tried to do jobs around the house and end up feeling drained and sweating quite a lot.
I see a new chest consultant next month, and hope to get some answers to these problems, but if the last one was anything to go by, I am not holding my breathe
The problem with coughing so much is that it affects the muscles, and has a dramatic effect on the bladder which is embarrassing at times, but I guess that's all part of this illness, along with the fact that it seems to mess up my brain and thinking clearly
Perhaps I need I total refit or rebuild as my daughter kindly says.
I can laugh at that as she means so much to me,  and I know her heart is  in the right place

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I always say that we may have this illness, but we are all so different.

This is my own daily problems, but I would gladly share anyone elses, if they send them in,

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