6 health conditions doctors
tend to misdiagnose
Some illnesses are much harder to diagnose than
others. Here are six of the toughest.
The vast majority of patients are correctly diagnosed by medical
professionals – but some conditions have symptoms that mimic other health
problems, and that's when diagnosis can be much more challenging.
Here are six of the illnesses that can be harder to spot in initial
medical consultations:
A 2011 Rarer Cancers Foundation study found family doctors were failing
to diagnose one in four cancers – although misdiagnosed cancers often include
the more common types like breast, colorectal, lung and pancreatic cancer.
They may be misdiagnosed because symptoms mimic other, non-cancerous
conditions - inflammatory breast cancer, for example, has similar symptoms to
mastitis; colorectal cancer may be mistaken for irritable bowel syndrome (IBS)
or ulcerative colitis; lung cancer symptoms can be similar to those caused by
pneumonia, bronchitis, and tuberculosis; and pancreatic cancer can be confused
with irritable bowel diseases, pancreatitis, and diabetes.
Parkinson's disease
The symptoms of this degenerative disorder of the central nervous system
include tremors, stiff muscles and problems with balance or walking. It can be
mistaken for Alzheimer's disease, stroke, stress, or a head injury, as there
are no lab tests that can diagnose Parkinson's.
Coeliac disease
An inability to digest gluten which can start suddenly, this digestive
disorder can cause abdominal pain, headaches, joint pain, itchy skin,
diarrhoea, vomiting and weight loss, although sometimes symptoms can be mild. While
a blood test can diagnose coeliac disease, it's often mistaken for other
conditions including irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), diverticulitis, intestinal
infections, and chronic fatigue syndrome.
Fatigue, rashes and joint pain are some of the common symptoms of this
autoimmune disease that can affect almost any part of the body, including, in
severe cases, organs like the heart and kidneys. Although blood and urine tests
can indicate lupus, such tests are not always conclusive and it's sometimes misdiagnosed
as arthritis or fibromyalgia.
Around 3% of Britons have an underactive thyroid (hypothyroidism), which
can be diagnosed with a blood test and treated with a synthetic hormone.
But it can remain undiagnosed for years because symptoms can be very
subtle, such as tiredness, weight changes, forgetfulness and lack of
concentration. Sufferers may be told there's nothing wrong, or that they're
Multiple sclerosis
The progressive autoimmune disease multiple sclerosis (MS) attacks the
central nervous system and causes symptoms including muscle spasms,
coordination and balance problems, blurred vision, numbness and tingling, and
cognitive impairment.
No one test can diagnose it, and it can sometimes be misdiagnosed as a
viral infection, lupus, Alzheimer's, or bipolar disorder. Blood tests can rule
out some other disorders, and tests including an MRI scan may indicate MS, but
can't give a conclusive diagnosis.
GP's reassurance
Dr Helen Stokes-Lampard, spokesperson for the Royal College of GPs,
points out that GPs have to make a diagnosis within a 10-minute consultation.
“It goes without saying that some conditions are more difficult to
diagnose than others,” she says.
“Many have symptoms that are very similar to others, and when one condition
is more common than the other, it makes sense that it's considered the most
likely possibility.”
She stresses that lists of hard-to-diagnose conditions can worry
patients, and break down the trust between them and their GP.
“It’s essential that patients aren't scared by lists that
over-exaggerate misdiagnosis, particularly when life-threatening and
debilitating diseases such as cancer and Parkinson’s are included,” she warns.
Dr Stokes-Lampard points out that during more than ten years of training,
family doctors become familiar with a diverse curriculum and will be aware of
the different conditions that symptoms could indicate, even if they're the less
likely diagnosis. And when fully-trained, GPs have ongoing appraisals and
continued professional development.
“The College works
to develop new learning tools for GPs at every stage in their careers, and
topics include some of the most difficult conditions to diagnose, such as
coeliac disease, and cancer,” she adds.
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I always say that we may have this illness, but we are all so different.
This is my own daily problems, but I would gladly share anyone elses, if they send them in,