Saturday, 25 April 2015

Why all of this doubt

NA few days ago I wrote a blog about people who had been diagnosed as having a form of dementia, by a neurologist, and then having the diagnosis changed later by Old Age Psychiatrists.

Since then I have had many messages from people, who have gone through this process, and are now struggling to come to terms with the change of diagnosis.

To me if someone has been diagnosed by a Neurologist, then they are more likely to have been diagnosed correctly.

I am however staggered at the number of Old Age Psychiatrists, who are disagreeing with this diagnosis.  

Surely there is something wrong these days, when someone like a Neurologist who has a thorough training in the brain,  has their ideas over ruled by someone who has not specialised in brain disease.

It also concerns me that this is done without proper care, and very little explanation if any at all.

These people still have the same symptoms and problems, but it sounds by all accounts, as if they were re diagnosed simply because they did not deteriorate as the text books say they should.

By most accounts, they were simply told that they did not have any form of dementia, and should be pleased. To me that is a total insult to those who have been given the diagnosis, and have learnt to change their lives and move on.

If someone disagrees with a diagnosis, surely they should ensure that the patient is then sent back to see a Neurologist, where they can be  given a full reason for the change in the diagnosis.

Not  simply being told, that they do not have the illness and be left to cope with it on their own

Many of these people have been on medication like Exelon, and have tried their best to remain active, so this must explain something.

No one is put on Exelon or any other medication unless they have problems like dementia or Parkinson's in the first place.

One clinical psychologist told me a while ago, that most if this is down to the fact that the patients simply did not sound like text book cases, as they did not deteriorate as fast as they should, and hospitals do not want people on their lists for too long these days.

So is this all down to cutting costs and nothing to do with medicine, I do wonder

Perhaps if there is a clinician out there they may be able to explain this to all those who are struggling with this problem, and no longer know what their illness is any more

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I always say that we may have this illness, but we are all so different.

This is my own daily problems, but I would gladly share anyone elses, if they send them in,

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