Monday, 13 October 2014

Befriending a person with dementia

Main people these days are supported from the point of diagnosis, by family and friends, who help them through the process, and keep them active.

However there are many who may not have family are friends nearby, and they may become isolated and desperately lonely

Many people have said that they feel isolated and lonely, because they had no one to talk to, and really did not have any past times to occupy their minds.

Alzheimer's Society in the North East are rolling out a befriending scheme, to help people with dementia, so that they may feel more integrated in society, and stop them feeling lonely.

This is a wonderful scheme, and I do wonder why no one thought about this earlier.
Having someone to talk to, or go shopping, or for a walk with will make a vast difference to many.

I suppose it has endless possibilities depending on the volunteers, and there attitudes towards dementia. We should also remember that many people who have this illness do not make friends very easily as they may be nervous or simply don't know who they can trust.

There are many people out there who may well have hobbies, but may need assistance or support, and this could be ideal, if say someone like photography and needed help occasionally. 

If there was a volunteer with the experience in this subject, they could be a real asset to the person with dementia.

It could be that they simply need someone to call in at home and have a chat or give advice. 

There are many people with dementia, who use the internet, but feel that talking face to face with someone makes that extra bit of difference. 

I really hope that this takes off, and we see it being rolled out to the rest of the country. 

Who knows, but in the future we may also see the discussion groups being brought back, where people with dementia, could go and discuss anything from dementia problems, to local history.

Perhaps now things are starting to change for the best.


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I always say that we may have this illness, but we are all so different.

This is my own daily problems, but I would gladly share anyone elses, if they send them in,

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