Tuesday, 2 September 2014

use it or lose it

If we want to fight dementia and memory problems we must remain active, as my old consultant once told me, you either use your memory or lose it. That means staying as active as possible, by using what ever method you can.

Some use crossword puzzles, some use other board games, while others use other activities such as photography, walking or meeting at day groups.

I don't attend day groups as I have always been active and tried to keep myself amused in photography or walking when ever I can, although I have had problems walking recently due to hip problems.
However I really enjoy walking round the riverside watching the ducks and swans etc, and get a lot of pleasure sitting watching them when it's quiet. 

There used to be discussion groups in our area run by the Alzheimer's society, but this is no longer running, but it was a wonderful way to keep in touch with others.

But I do suggest people join groups in they are available in your area, if not join a dementia charity and see what support they have in your area

I think it's good to mid with others on the same journey if the resources are there, but there seems to be nothing here apart from singing for the brain, and as I no longer enjoy singing this one is out. 

Many people like painting and other forms of art. So go on express yourself. There are no art groups in our area, but I am hoping to start to learn to paint very soon

So if anyone gets a diagnosis of dementia, do not sit and let it get to you. Enjoy your hobbies, enjoy mixing with others, and what is more remember that you are not alone in having this illness, you are among friends.

Never give up 


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