Tuesday, 31 December 2013

Happy New Year to all

I would just like to wish all of my readers a very Happy and prosperous  New Year.

Its been a very long year, but I have done quite a lot with dementia charities, with media training

 for people with dementia, and also helping with websites and writing blogs for other websites including the Department of Health website for the G8 summit.
This also took in media work, something that I have got used to over the years, as I was trained in this by the Alzheimer's Society assisted by a staff member from the BBC.
However I no that every media channel wants to do things there own way, so its not what you want to say, but what they can get out of your message
I was close to giving up on my blog as I was worried about the governments new guidelines, but I am assured that I am not breaching anyone's confidence so I may well be alright. I am well aware that the American and British Governments are monitoring these blogs, something I fine very wrong, but I guess there's nothing we can do about that anymore.
Tomorrow is the start of a brand new year, and one I hope will be slightly better than the last, not just for myself but also for everyone else.
So all I can say is Happy New Year to one and all

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I always say that we may have this illness, but we are all so different.

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