Wednesday, 23 October 2013

Old blog

Last November in a moment of madness, I pressed the wrong button and completely wiped my blog, something which came as a complete shock.
I could not work out what I had done, and still don' t remember what happened, I can only put it down to the Lewy Body Dementia.
I had been using this blog for around four years and it had around 10,000 readers, in well over 80 countries, so to lose this was devastating.
In desperation I contacted Google blogspot, who said that they could not do anything without my credit card number, but as I pointed out, I don' t  use one due to my illness, so they said that they could not help me.
The next day when it all sank in, I realised that I had two choices. One was to forget it and let it go, the other was to start all over again.
I had written all of the pages in word on my computer and everything was saved, so I took the second option and started all over again three days later on the 11-11-2012 the day of our wedding anniversary.
I started this thinking that this new blog,  would not get as good as the original blog, but up till now it has over 21.000 readers in 103 countries which is amazing.
The other day while I was looking at the blog I noticed a section, which I had not seen before, so I wrote a note about my problems with the old blog, only to find that had I gone here straight away, "although I had never noticed the title", I could have had the blog back as it was last year.
This illness drives me mad at times because there are days I simply do not see the obvious.
Still life goes on and we keep fighting.

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