Sunday, 24 March 2013

missing messages

I would just like to say a big thank you for all your messages sent recently and apologise as most of them had disappeared into a spam box which is only visible on certain pages of the blog.

I only found this section yesterday and was shocked to see so much in it.

As there were over 45 messages there is no way I can answer everyone so please bear with me.

I have been struggling with my Lewy Body Dementia anyway, and then when this Meniere's type illness started it through my completely, however I am feeling much better today and looking forward to a few days holiday next week in Inverness.

I will try to answer some comments all being well, when I come back again

Many thanks


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I always say that we may have this illness, but we are all so different.

This is my own daily problems, but I would gladly share anyone elses, if they send them in,

interesting post about music and dementia

  Classical music can help slow down the onset of dementia say researchers after discovering Mozart excerpts enhanced gene activity in patie...