Thursday, 21 February 2013

Not a bad week

I have just spent the last week at home with my family, which was lovely.

It was stressful at times due to the noise from the children, and even though I am having problems with my hearing it still got bad at times.

Its wonderful to see the Grandchildren when they come up North, but it can be a case of over kill as their noise can be hard.

This is of course made much worse by the fact that the builders have only just started to rebuild the house next door, even though its been empty since the flood last June.

Still the weekend is coming and although the builders will be here for months to come, our family are heading back South and home again in the morning.

Next week I have an appointment at the doctors so they can decide what to do about my hearing as its getting worse, and the tinnitus at night is overbearing, so I hope they decide to do something now that its getting worse as its gone on long enough now.


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I always say that we may have this illness, but we are all so different.

This is my own daily problems, but I would gladly share anyone elses, if they send them in,

interesting post about music and dementia

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